Posts by Year


I analysed 1 Million digits of Pi

1 minute read

I analysed the distribution of numbers in the first million digits of π. You can download them for example from PILookup (direct download link) if you want t...

Always commit

2 minute read

No, this is not a relationship or life guide; it’s only meant for software, specifically Version Control Software, short VCS. I also only use Git; the princi...

Neon Grow - Get big or get eaten

3 minute read

This is my take on an io game. You’re a big blob competing to become the biggest blob. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? To spice things up, I also added a few p...

Life and Death

3 minute read

You may have heard of Conway’s Game of Life, an infinite grid of dying and living cells. It’s normally a zero-player game and the only parameter is the initi...

Even More Features for WoBot

2 minute read

This article is the third part in the WoBot series and the last for the moment. All the features WoBot currently has should now be covered.

Balanced - a Real Time Strategy prototype

3 minute read

Recently, I implemented one of many game ideas. Let’s start with the basics: each match involves two players sending troops to defeat their opponent’s castle...

More Features for WoBot

3 minute read

The Rust saga continues; here’s the promised follow-up to the first post about WoBot. Let’s talk about some more features WoBot has.

Evaluating Frontmatter with a Jekyll Plugin

1 minute read

Jekyll pages have a metadata field date, which can be set to show when they were updated1. For the homepage, I wanted it to be the current (at build time) da...

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